Hummingbird Feeder Heated: Enhancing Your Backyard Birdwatching Experience

- Tips for keeping hummingbird feeders from freezing in cold weather - Suggestions for bringing feeders indoors, using a dome, positioning the feeder to avoid cold winds, attaching hand warmers or heat tape - Using a clamp-on shop light or a 125 Watt infra-red light bulb - Placing holiday lights around the feeder - Insulating with fabric - Unobstructed access to feeding ports - Only use electrical products and cords rated for exterior use - The Hummer Hearth: a heated hummingbird feeder with a 7 watt bulb, easy to attach with adjustable hooks, inexpensive to operate - The Hummers Heated Delight: a heated hummingbird feeder that feeds warm food, tested at temperatures as low as 1 °F - The Hummingbird Heinie Warmer: uses waterproof outdoor decorative holiday lights, increases survival chances of hummingbirds in winter, attracts hummingbirds to feeder - Using a heating pad or reptile terrarium heating device to prevent freezing - Leaving feeders up to help hummingbirds overwinter in colder climates - The use of a deep aluminum pan with a block of wood and a 4-watt night light on a timer to prevent freezing - A heated hummingbird feeder that turns on at dusk and uses a 4-watt light to keep nectar from freezing - Using a red bulb night light to attract birds before dawn - Minimal cost of running heated feeders - Caution to set up the feeder undercover